CurriculumThe Victorian Curriculum has been developed to ensure that curriculum content and achievement standards enable continuous learning for all students.
At Cobram and District Specialist School, programs and student goals are developed using the ‘Towards Foundation Level Victorian Curriculum’ (Levels A to D) and Foundation – 10. Other key components of the school’s program include specialist classes in art, physical education and dance/drama. These are complimented by a range of additional learning experiences including excursions, community and environmental projects. The school makes use of resources and facilities from other local schools, service organisations and health experts to support its programs. Room Descriptions Hovell - This room caters for our early years students. Hume - This room caters for our early years students. Murray - This room caters for our early years students. Jordan - This room caters for our middle years students Moria - This room caters for our middle years students Gwynne - This room caters for our middle years students Mitchell - This room caters for our middle years students. Sturt - This room caters for our senior years students VPC - This room caters for VCAL/VET students Enrichment Programs Sensory Garden & Room Bluearth Riding for the Disabled Bike Education Swimming & Gym Local Community Access Work Experience Life Skills Healthy Lifestyle Recreation Duke of Edinburgh Award Woodwork & Metalwork |
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